Tech Journal

Hardy Schmidbauer

Hardy Schmidbauer

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The Key Advantage of LoRaWAN®

Posted by Hardy Schmidbauer on Jan 6, 2020 12:00:00 AM

There are a number of differentiators for LoRa® devices and the LoRaWAN® protocol that have helped in its widespread adoption, including long range connectivity, battery lifetime, security, network architecture, and network capacity. However, there is one particular feature that will drive LoRaWAN adoption for years to come. Technical challenges or limitations (range, capacity, battery lifetime, etc.) are no longer a barrier to Internet of Things (IoT) adoption. The remaining challenges of the IoT are system integration, digital transformation, return-on-investment (ROI), service level agreements (SLA), and ensuring interoperability across an ecosystem.

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Tags: LoRa, Internet of Things, LoRaWAN Deployment, LPWAN, Network flexibility, LoRaWAN Network